Point-cloud data embedding
We provide a case study, using the MNIST
dataset, to get you started with SG-t-SNE-Π. We assume you have Julia and SGtSNEpi
installed already.
You need to install the following packages for this demo
using Pkg
Pkg.add(["MLDatasets", "ImageFeatures", "Random", "Images"])
Embedding handwritten digits (MNIST data)
dataset comprises of $60{,}000$ training and $10{,}000$ testing images of handwritten digits. We shall embed the total of $70{,}000$ handwritten images.
First, we download the dataset
using SGtSNEpi, MLDatasets, ImageFeatures, Random, Images
X, L = MNIST(Float64, split=:train)[:];
X = cat( X, MNIST(Float64, split=:test).features ; dims = 3 );
L = cat( L, MNIST(Float64, split=:test).targets ; dims = 1 );
L = Int.( vec( L ) ); # make sure labels is an integer vector
n = size( X, 3 );
X = permutedims( X, [2, 1, 3] );
We visualize some of the digits that appear in the data set
mosaicview( Gray.(X[:,:,1:600]), ncol=30, rowmajor=true )
We transform the pixel values to Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) descriptors
F = zeros( n, 324 );
for img = 1:n
F[img,:] = create_descriptor( X[:,:,img], HOG(; cell_size = 7) )
We initialize (randomly) the coordinates in the 2D embedding space (this step is crucial for reproducible results)
Y0 = 0.01 * randn( n, 2 );
We use SG-t-SNE-Π to embed the data in a 2D space
A = pointcloud2graph( F )
Y = sgtsnepi(A; Y0 = Y0);
To reproduce the next steps, we need to install the following packages
Pkg.add(["CairoMakie", "Colors", "Makie"])
If Makie
was not installed when SGtSNEpi
was loaded, you need to restart Julia
and repeat the previous steps.
We visualize the $70{,}000$ digits on the 2D embedding space, colored by their class. For this purpose, we use the routine vis_embedding
show_embedding( Y, L; res = (2000, 2000) )