Graph embedding


You need to install the following packages for this demo

using Pkg
Pkg.add(["DataDeps", "MatrixMarket"])

We will work with the optdigits_10NN graph, from SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. First, we will define a data dependency, to download and open the MTX file.

using DataDeps, MatrixMarket

       ML_Graph: adjacency matrices from machine learning datasets, Olaf
       Schenk.  D.  Pasadakis,  C.  L.  Alappat,  O.  Schenk,  and  G.
       Wellein, "K-way p-spectral clustering on Grassmann manifolds," 2020.

       Graph: optdigits_10NN Classes: 10

               post_fetch_method = unpack

A = MatrixMarket.mmread( datadep"optdigits/optdigits_10NN/optdigits_10NN.mtx" );
L = vec( MatrixMarket.mmread( datadep"optdigits/optdigits_10NN/optdigits_10NN_label.mtx" ) );
L = Int.( L );

We will now embed the graph using SG-t-SNE-Π

using SGtSNEpi, Random

# reproducible results
Y0 = 0.01 * randn( size(A,1), 2 );

Y = sgtsnepi(A; Y0 = Y0);


To reproduce the next steps, we need to install the following packages

Pkg.add(["CairoMakie", "Colors", "Makie"])

If Makie was not installed when SGtSNEpi was loaded, you need to restart Julia and repeat the previous steps.

Show embedding

Finally, we show the embedding, using the provided visualization function

using CairoMakie, Colors, LinearAlgebra

show_embedding( Y, L ; A = A, res = (2000, 2000) )

3D embedding

SG-t-SNE-Π enables 3D embedding as well

using Colors

cmap = distinguishable_colors(
           maximum(L) - minimum(L) + 1,
           [RGB(1,1,1), RGB(0,0,0)], dropseed=true)

Y0 = 0.01 * randn( size(A,1), 3 );

Y = sgtsnepi(A; d = 3, Y0 = Y0, max_iter = 500);

sc = scatter( Y[:,1], Y[:,2], Y[:,3], color = L, colormap = cmap, markersize = 2 )

record(sc, "sgtsnepi-animation.gif", range(0, 1, length = 24*8); framerate = 24) do ang
  rotate_cam!( sc.figure.scene.children[1], 2*π/(24*8), 0, 0 )

sgtsnepi animation


Remove the data by issuing

rm(datadep"optdigits"; recursive=true)